Class Facilitation Assignment: Exploring Artificial Intelligence And How Meaning is Made

Objective: To engage in a collaborative learning experience by facilitating a class discussion on a specific question, based on the assigned reading. Students will work as a group to lead a class discussion on a specific topic & text.

<aside> 📱 Grades are not given as a group, they are on an individual basis based on your specific question found here.



At the end of this assignment you’ll have researched the assigned question, written a few pages of notes, and led the class in a five to 10 minute discussion of your question. Be sure to turn in your notes on eLearning.

  1. Question Assignment: Each student will be assigned one key question from a text. You are responsible for researching and preparing a facilitation on your assigned question.
  2. Reading and Supporting Information: Start by thoroughly reading the assigned class text(s) related to your question. Supplement your understanding by researching additional supporting information from academic journals, reputable sources, or other relevant materials. Ensure you have a comprehensive grasp of the concepts and arguments presented in the reading.
  3. In-depth Description: Begin your facilitation by providing an in-depth description of the assigned reading. Explain the main arguments, theories, or concepts discussed in the text, providing examples or case studies mentioned. Be prepared to go into detail and answer any clarifying questions from your peers.
  4. Answering the Question: Present your analysis and response to the assigned question based on the reading and any additional research you have conducted. Support your arguments with evidence, examples, or relevant ethical frameworks discussed in the course. Consider the broader implications and potential ethical considerations related to AI in communication.
  5. Verbal Conversation: Engage in a conversational style, rather than using a formal presentation format. Use your speaking skills to explain complex concepts, break down key points, and facilitate understanding among your peers. Maintain eye contact, speak clearly, and ensure your classmates can follow the discussion.
  6. Reflection and Summary: Conclude your facilitation by summarizing the main points discussed during the class. Reflect on the insights gained through the discussion and highlight any remaining questions or areas for further exploration.
  7. As a group, lead a Q&A session: Following your facilitation, invite questions and lead a class discussion on the assigned question. Encourage classmates to share their insights, ask clarifying questions, and engage in constructive debates related to the topic. Act as the "teacher" of the topic, helping your peers deepen their understanding.

Dates for your presentation

Check the Google Sheet for your presentation date