<aside> ℹ️ The portfolio is the central project of this class. Through drafting and revising data-inspired media objects, you will work toward multiple course goals. By presenting ideas in multimodal forms, you will produce critical-creative work in digital and analog media. You will evaluate the ethical and social dimensions of the media you are producing, both in the decisions you make while creating media, but also in the short paper at the end of the term.


Description of the Portfolio

You will choose a dataset during the DataSet Analysis assignment. For the portfolio, you will remediate that dataset three different times: one visual, one interactive, and one analog. You will revise each media object multiple times, refining your data storytelling as you go.  At the end, you will give a brief explanation of how each object changed through this process and write a short paper reflecting on data storytelling.

The media objects will be:

More details on the media objects are at the end of this assignment sheet.

Timeline and Due Dates


Version 1 is reviewed by peers (Engagement Grade). Incorporate that feedback into Version 2, which is reviewed by Dr. Rheams for a grade.

Grading and Evaluation

You will determine how much the Portfolio grade is weighted in your final course grade.

Grade Rubric

The Media Objects

You can use any software you like to create media objects. I have recommended a few free, student-friendly platforms below.

Now is where we combine narrative theory, semiotics, and our understanding of data. You’ll “remediate” your chosen dataset into three different media objects. You can take as concrete or abstract an approach to data remediation as you’d like. Unless you specify otherwise, we will assume your audience is educated college students.

Media objects will be turned in via eLearning. You will turn in your first and final versions in the portfolio, so be sure to change the file names when you upload.

Paper 1: Visualization