This course surveys the importance of critical media studies for our understanding of the world. Every week, we explore a key issue in global studies through a variety of audiovisual materials: films, tv shows, music videos, etc. Discussions and assignments help us reflect on how media act as elements of the world: how media content represents local lifestyles for foreign audiences, how media industries and infrastructures depend on international arrangements, and how media circulations create a sense of belonging to the world.
Instructor: David Rheams
Office hours: By Appointment
Email: [email protected]
Class Website:
Course Schedule: Link
Credit Hours: 3
These are the writing and organization tools I will mention during the semester. They all have a free option. I’ll add to this list as we go through the semester.
Thinking is a team sport, and you'll be assigned group work in labs and presentations over the semester. The class is designed as an in-person class (unless otherwise indicated on the syllabus) so that we can take advantage of all being in the same room together.